vineri, 3 ianuarie 2014

I will give you everything.

Random thing without knowing that he is hearing me.
- Cei care nu cer primesc mai mult.
- Eu nu ți-am cerut niciodată nimic.
- Știu. 
Than the other person said:
- Yea, I asked you for things and you gave me aids.
 - "First aids, junior. Drunken master.", he replied. 

That was just cute. And... I'm in a big trouble...  

Than we laugh... hell yea. half an hour or more, but, gosh, we really had fun. Even if it was because of me, and because I really feel good in their 'group'. And... I'm an awful person... why? Just because of him i met the other guys, and now... i just can't hear about him... Well.... i will try to be better...

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