luni, 5 august 2013

  • SHE: You don't have to tell me anymore
    SHE: I can tell it's about T or something like that
    SHE: I mean, his name is the only one which you've been avoiding in this conversation.
    SHE: But, for me figuring out, means that you're not that subtle.
    SHE: I don't want to bug into your business, but it seems like you two love each other.. so i don't understand why everything has to be this complicated.
    ME: Nu am incercat sa ascund... and yes, we love each other, but i made a hudge mistake.... so, congrats to me.
    ME: Everything was pretty perfect until one week ago..
    ME: So, forget about it, doesn't matter.
    ME: Si nu-mi dau seama de cum de ai vazut acel "each other" pentru ca ai vorbit doar cu mine... Nu-mi dau seama ca el sa fii facut ceva atunci incat tu sa vezi asta... or did he?
    SHE: Why do you have to ask me something you want to be convinced of when it's already pretty obvious?
    SHE: And i suppose you know it too..
    SHE: But you prefer to ignore it.
    SHE: Because you think it's easier that way.
    ME: As fi vrut sa stiu ce ai vazut... Pentru ca eu nu vad unele lucruri. Mai ales in ceea ce-l priveste, incerc sa nu ma mai uit.
    SHE: Uite, o sa-ti trimit un filmulet, uita-te la el, exact acelasi feeling mi-ati dat si voi
    Dar, ia cumva totul intr-un sens metaforic.
    ME: Ok, i'll try.
    SHE: Ia fiecare gest metaforic

    Vreau doar să țin minte conversația asta... iar cu video-ul... Ei bine, acum am văzut și eu.. dacă ea a văzut...

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